Lucky Buddy Boy Tomey. He is the smartest dog in the world. I know, I know, you think you have the smartest dog in the world but sadly you are mistaken. Don't feel badly, others are just as misguided as you.
Lucky is a smart, loyal, yet worrisome dog . He is always on high alert to make sure all of us humans are ok. I'm actually wondering if he is part human.

Anyway, he has been a wonderful member of our family for almost ten years. We got him from the pound in April 2001 and the vet estimated he was about four months old.
Both of our other dogs had died so I went to the pound to see if they had any cute puppies up for adoption. I saw Lucky on the last row of dogs in the last building. He was so cute and happy. He smiled right at me! I brought the rest of the family to see what they thought of Lucky and of course they loved him, too. We went to the front desk and put our name on the list for Lucky. Unfortunately we were the third name to request an adoption for this dog. I figured we didn't have a chance but the next day I showed up at the pound at 10:50 order to claim him we had to be there by 11:00 am. I was the first one to show up but it was open season until 11:00. At 11:05 the first person on the list rushed in, checked in at the front desk and walked over to me and sat down. He told me he had missed out on two other dogs because he was late for the adoptions but this time his client would not stop talking! He said he got here as fast as he could. My heart broke for him so I told him if he really wanted this dog, tell me now so I could move on and not become any more attached than I already was. He told me I did what I was supposed to do by getting to the pound on time so the dog was rightfully mine.
We were absolutely thrilled and have been ever since!
I love him:) So sweet!