Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4

With the first of the year comes other firsts, as well.
My youngest son, Will, has his first night of Teen Cotillion and he looks so very handsome in his khakis and navy jacket. (See above) Which by the way seems to be the "uniform" of dressed up middle school boys. When his older brother took part in cotillion three years ago, he seemed so grown up but Will is my baby and I guess I don't want to see that he is growing up. "Please" and "thank you" as well as "yes ma'am" and "yes sir" are all part of the plan and well in place. But the asking how my day was, opening the door for me or I think my favorite, waiting for me to get my things gathered from my car so we can walk into a restaurant together, are the ones that really matter. That is what we strive for as parents, right?...to raise an independent, happy, God-loving, thoughtful, caring, charitable, etc. person. But now that this is actually happening for my son, am I ignoring it? Hoping that he will stay a little boy a little longer? Well, ignore or not, maturity is taking place for my youngest and I thank goodness he is a wonderful young man, someone to be proud of everyday.
I just love the bucks! (See below)

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